As you embark on your test week, you will be asked to do a CSS test.
Here's how:
After your test, calculate your CSS.
1. Calculation of Critical Swim Speed (CSS):
CSS: (D2-D1) / (T2-T1)
Where D1 = 50m, D2 =400m, T1 = time for 50 meters in seconds, and T2 = time for 400 meters in seconds.
For example,
50m time 40 seconds (T1)
400m time 6:08 = 368 seconds (T2)
CSS: (400-50) / (368-40) = 350 / 328 = 1.06 m/seconds
Now, convert this to mins/100m
100m/1.06m/s = 94s which equals 1:34 min/100m
2. Enter this value (in seconds) to your swim threshold under Settings - Training - Thresholds
Please note that the reason this isn’t yet automated like running and cycling is due to the limitation of wearable devices for calculating swim speed. Your assessment of your times is still today more accurate.
Note also that we are working on input fields you can apply that will automate this calculation for you. Finally, feel free to simply send us your times for 50m/yd and 400m/yd and we will send you back your CSS and/or update your CSS for you so long as you include the email your account is created under.
GINN, E. (1993) The application of the critical power test to swimming and swim training programs. National Sports Research Centre
GINN, E. (1993) Critical speed and training intensities for swimming. Australian Sports Commission
Source: MacKenzie, Brian (2003), Critical Swim Speed.
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